A Pen/Pencil and Note Pad has become so important to me recently, I've been so full of ideas and I have noticed that as I have grown older my memory has not become the greatest. So in order for me to remember my ideas I have to write them down, I always try to have some form of writing material to hand either at home or at work.
To be honest I' am most mentally productive at the gym but I use my Blackberry then, how annoying I know but it helps.
However, the Pen/pencil and note pad is my most efficient tool simple but effective.
Long live the note pad
Ah, the humble note pad and pen making people look engaged and intelliegent in meetings since the beginning of time, well maybe not that early but you get the idea. though in recent times i've come to use Evernote http://evernote.com/ for all my notation needs let me know what you think